Classical Literature World Literature




Policies and Activities

Departamental Honors and Awards

Majors may attain Departmental Honors in French, German, Latin, or Spanish by meeting the following requirements: (1) apply for admission to the program by the end of the spring semester of the junior year; (2) select a director from the departmental faculty; (3) attain a 3.75 grade point average in language courses; (4) enroll in FRE, GER, LAT, SPN 490; (5) complete a special project in language, literature, methodology or other approved area; (6) give a departmental honors presentation.

The department regularly acknowledges the achievements of the best students in French, German, Latin, and Spanish, and overall language study with foreign-language awards. Students meeting eligibility requirements may also be inducted into the Eta Eta chapter of Phi Sigma Iota, the National Foreign Language Honor Society. Since 1991, eleven Mercer students have won national scholarships from this prestigious honors association.